Since its grand opening in April 2011, Sichuan Gourmet (previously named as Chinastar in Squirrel Hill) has dedicated to its mission to introduce authentic Sichuan cuisine, in both tradition and up-to-date style, to the tribune area. Sichuan cuisube us a style of Chinese cuisine originating in the Sichuan Province of southwestern China famed for bold flavors. The executive chef and the secondary chef are both from Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province.
With nearly two decades of professional experience in practicing Sichuan style cooking, our chefs have never made our customers disappointed with cooking the most authentic Sichuan food in the Pittsburgh area. We have more than 2000 sf dinning area and a 350 sf party room equipped with projector and screen which is capable to accommodate up to 40 guests. The restaurant have become an ideal choice for wedding parties, graduation celebrations, business meetings and other personal or commercial gatherings. In 2012, we will continue to provide our customers with delicious food and quality services. We hope that our efforts could add more variety to your menu. We are always preparing ourselves to serve the community as much as we can.
府河人家, Sichuan Gourmet, (原用名:Chinastar, 川味居,(Squirrel Hill))是一家以经营正宗川菜为主的餐厅, 坐落在繁华的Squirrel Hill商业区的中心位置。“府河”寓意天府之美食落户同样文化底蕴浓厚的Pittsburgh三河地区,为当地的美食文化增添一抹别样色彩。
餐厅的主、副厨师均来自成都,拥有近二十年的川菜烹饪之经验。餐馆严格秉承传统川菜的特色,一菜一格,百菜百味, 烹饪以麻、辣、鲜、香为特色。在坚持传统的同时,本餐厅更加注重创新,精美菜肴适应东西方饮食习惯。
Other than great dine-in services, we also provide other services, including catering for parties, campus lunch set delivery, large party room (up to 40 people) ordering. Please check out with our staff if interested.
我们拥有一间超过350平方英尺的Party Room, 可以同时容纳40人的聚会,给商业谈判和私人聚会提供了理想的场所。自2011年四月开业以来,本餐厅已经受到来在各个族群的好评和肯定。未来我们将继续为广大顾客提供美味佳肴和优质的服务,同时我们希望为当地的社区文化贡献我们微薄的力量。